Heidenreich Foundation
Tuition Scholarship Application

Please complete the following:

    Applicant Information

    Are you a citizen of the United States?
    If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.?
    Have you ever applied for tuition from the Heidenreich Foundation?
    Do you agree to a federal background check as a requirement of receiving a tuition scholarship from the Heidenreich Foundation?

    Household Income

    Where will you be living while attending school?


    Did you graduate?
    Did you graduate?

    Employment History

    May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?
    May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?

    Military Service

    Disclaimer, Requirements and Signature

    • Applicant must be at least a senior in High School or High School Graduate
    • Applicant should be able to produce at our request three references from their education staff
    • Applicant must submit a short essay inclusive of the Trade/Vocational School they wish to attend. This should also include the career program they hope to complete
    • Applicant must commit to attending Trade/Vocational school training the semester following his or her high school graduation or next enrollment period following scholarship approval. Each applicant is responsible for identifying the Trade/Vocational school they hope to attend prior to applying
    • Applicant must agree to interviewing with a representative of the Heidenreich Foundation. The applicant must also agree to meet regularly with a representative of the Heidenreich Foundation throughout the duration of their program to demonstrate all education and requirements of funding are being met
    • Applicant must be able to demonstrate they have been accepted into their school program before final funding is approved. This may include passing an entrance exam at the students Trade/Vocational school of choice
    • Applicant agrees to all Heidenreich Foundation conditions and requirements and understands final funding, if approved, is contingent on all conditions and requirements being agreed to and consistently met by the applicant.

    I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

    If this application leads to a Heidenreich Foundation Tuition Scholarship, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in an immediate halt to any funding.

    Signature (Please draw) (Required)

    We are Heidenreich Foundation


    10115 E Bell Road, Suite 107-437
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260

    Contact Us

    Exit Interview

    To contact us online and find out more information please complete this form below. We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.